5 reasons why women supporting women are more successful

5 reasons why women supporting women are more successful

"It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed." – Napolean Hill

At HerParade we are no strangers to supporting women. We are dedicated to helping women flourish into their best, most confident self.

Every day, we encourage women to support each-other in their journeys, and not see each other as competition. 

Here are our 5 top reasons why women supporting women are more successful in all areas of their life: 

1. Sharing personal experiences help other women overcome their challenges better 

Dealing with challenges independently and alone, no matter whether it is at work or home, can lead you to feeling alone and isolated in handling your problem. However, coming together in a supportive female community you will find that often the challenges you are facing, there are other women facing similar challenges and yes- you are in fact not alone. By women sharing their challenges they are able to receive practical advice from other women that have gone through similar experiences.

2. Sharing personal successes and accomplishments gives women hope, motivation and insight into what it takes to be successful

When another woman wins, we all win, especially when a woman shares her story of success to other women. When you share your success it isn't gloating, it isn't proving that you are better than other women. Rather it is giving someone who is silently watching you that glimmer of hope, that motivation that she can find success and that one day she can achieve her dreams. Often when women share their experiences of their road to success it is not a straight-line journey. Sharing success stories helps women understand what it took for that woman to achieve her success, and helps them begin to navigate how to achieve their own. 


3. New opportunities arise from women networks

When women come together, magical things can happen. Oftentimes, when women support other women, new opportunities arise that might have never been possible. We have also found this to be the case. On social media, often our page's biggest supporters are virtual, who we have never met physically in real life. We've had women we've met online as blog guests, helped them launch themselves into the online world, held competitions with and the list goes on! You never know who you will meet, and how another woman can help change your life for the better.

4. Building of meaningful relationships and friendships over time

Women who support each-other focus on building relationships, rather than just "networking" and trading business cards or seeing each-other as pure competition. They know how important it is to build and cultivate relationships with other women, because they know it will help them grow and develop - and hey!- you never know when you'll need a favor or be asked to give one by another OR have a friend of a friend need your help and open up a world of opportunities! And this is the most beautiful thing. If women trade favors, trade kindness, trade compassion to help another woman and build a trusting relationship, then you can be sure to get a large return on investment in your relationship in the future.

5. Investing in the success of others can help with your own success

By helping and supporting other women to achieve success, you also help yourself in terms of how you feel about yourself and how others begin to perceive you. For instance, if you give advice or help that works for one woman, then that woman will most likely talk positively about you. It will have a positive ripple effect on those around you, as well as give you more standing and regard among your peers. 

Closing remarks

As women we are better together, stronger together and achieve more success together. So please, don't be afraid to help another woman out.  

Be sure to find some women support groups that match your needs.

If you're interested to join a female network for free, be sure to join our Facebook Community Group, which you can request to join here

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