5 instant ways to stop feeling anxious

5 instant ways to stop feeling anxious

We have been hearing a lot of chatter on the news and social media lately about people experiencing extra levels of anxiety, and feelings of anxiousness.


Understandably so.


People are worried for their futures and might be asking anxious questions like “what if? what now?” and feel helpless when they have no answer.

Yes, we might not be in control of the situation surrounding us, but we are in control of our mind and body.

So how do you combat the feelings of anxiousness before they have the chance to take hold and overwhelm you?


Well we have pulled together 5 expert backed tips that will stop you from feeling anxious.

Be in the present

As tempting as it is to think about the future and all the possible scenarios that could happen, what truly matters the most is where you are now, who you are with and what you are doing. Tamar Chansky, Ph.D recommends to “reel yourself back to the present”.

If you are continuously running worst case scenarios in your head and you can’t stop it, Ellen Hendriksen, Ph.D. from Pyschology today suggests that you challenge your thoughts as they happen.

For instance if you start to go into a continuous spiral about all the worst case scenario, then challenge it, by asking “how bad would that really be?” – Yes, things not going to plan wouldn’t be ideal, but there is always a work around. You just need to take a step back, and look at things objectively.

Breathe in and breathe out

Sometimes it’s the simplest exercises that can be the most effective! Chansky suggests to focus on inhaling and exhaling evenly, which will help slow down and re-centre your mind. You don’t need to count out certain number of breathes or learn how to meditate. Breathing evenly in and out is an easy, yet effective way to combat feelings of anxiousness.


Do something – anything that disrupts your thoughts

Chansky further suggests to stand up, take a walk or do anything or any action that interrupts your train of thought and helps you regain a renewed sense of control.

Voice your thoughts and ask for a second opinion

You have probably been there before, you have a worrisome thought in your head, but you say it outloud and then it doesn’t seem so big or unmanageable any more. Chansky says that saying thoughts out loud to someone else can help you see them clearly for what they are.

If you don’t feel like you can confide in a close friend or family member, then try writing your thoughts down on paper.  


Watch a funny video

Sometime we need to be reminded not to take life so seriously, and thanks to the internet and You-Tube, and streaming on demand, it’s not so hard these days to watch a feel good comedy movie, a comedy skit or anything else to get the laughter out of you! If you’re feeling anxious, it has been proven that humour can lower anxiety as much as exercise can. Chansky says that laughing is a good prescription for an anxious mind.

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Additional credit to this article goes to webMD

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